How to Repair a Damaged Social Reputation?

 No matter what you sell or how well have positioned your brand, the danger of an online reputation crisis skulks around the corner. The open nature of modern-day online platforms like social media platforms, blogs, and review sites give all customers the right to share their experiences online which means that even one bad review or unsatisfied customer review or a small lapse in the customer service of the brand can damage their entire reputation.

The best ORM company in Delhi discloses that it is no big deal that negative experiences are shared more often. Research discloses that consumers with negative experiences are more likely to share their experiences over online public platforms. It can have severe impacts on the brand. It has been proved that a damaged reputation online can highly affect a brand's values and performance and ultimately its revenue.

So, how can we restore a damaged reputation of a brand? Recovering from an online reputation crisis requires effort and time. The right strategy can enhance the overall game. This blog is going to further elaborate on some of the ways by the best Online reputation management company in India to fix your brand's reputation over various online platforms.

Understanding the depth of the problem and coming to the surface with the right strategy

Before getting on to the repairing work, one should a detailed analysis to get to know the gravity of the situation and the potential reasons that might have caused it. There can be several reasons some of which might be -

  • Degraded consumer service standards
  • Lack of communication of wrong communication with the customers
  • Fake allegations or propaganda by competitors
  • Certain issues going viral on various platforms.

Any reason you may find to fit the situation out of these four or maybe something else, tackling the right strategy is important.

Suppress negative feedback and search results

As the title suggests, it means you need to push down all the negative reviews and content from the first appearing pages of the search engine. According to the best ORM company in Delhi NCR, the only way you can do the needful is SEO as Google doesn't exclude any page from its search results until it doesn't violate its guidelines. You can suppress bad content about you through SEO which includes writing blogs, articles and reviews with targeted keywords right in place.

Counteracting negative feedback

Many studies have shown that more than 86% of customers hesitate to buy products from a brand with negative reviews. There are many strategies that help you. As a brand, you need to come up with several impactful strategies to defend your brand from negative responses. The best practice you can do would be to apologize when required, highlighting other strengths of the company to the customers and motivating other happy customers to share their reviews.

Structuring a completely new and comprehensive content marketing strategy

A content marketing strategy is much more than just posting on social media or blog posts on search engines. It involves a complete marketing methodology that helps you grab the attention of people and create a community of loyal brand advocates.

Add third party credibility to your brand by collaborating with influencers

According to the best ORM company in Noida, one of the best practices to fix your damaged reputation is to collaborate with some renowned influencers and borrow credibility from them. Or you can feature yourself in some esteemed publication. Getting featured on a top-ranked news website for good reasons can boost your positive image among people and will repair the damaged one.

Everything that has been damaged can be repaired, and your brand's online reputation is no exception. Indeed it requires time and effort to keep going but in the end, it always helps.


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